Monday, August 22, 2011


Love watching TV. You might say it's a waste of time but I certainly don't think so. 

Someone recommended The Bachelor Pad to me and I am thoroughly enjoying it, despite never having watched The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. You can tell pretty easily who the drama queens and crazies are, and then just go from there. 

"Join us in this festering pool of germs, won't you?"

There's this guy who has a very terrible Kermit-the-Frog-type voice. It's bad. Just listening to him makes you want to clear your own throat to try to get rid of the bubble that seems to be permanently stuck in his. Tonight he gave a "promise ring" to his girlfriend and then sang her a homemade song that I'm sure he thought was heartfelt, but in actuality made me literally turn away from the screen in embarrassment and shame on his behalf. Something tells me he's going to regret his performance later.

"It takes a real man to wear a shirt like this."

Apparently the big draw this season is the fact that Jake and Vienna, who were previously engaged and had a horrible breakup, are forced to live in the same house. It's pretty clear that the producers want you to pick Team Jake or Team Vienna and they're going to stack the deck to prevent either one from leaving this godforsaken house for the draaaamaaaaaa. From what I can expertly tell after one episode, Jake is a passive-aggressive, phony doucher and Vienna is an insecure, vindictive woman-child. Surprisingly, Jake is a little less annoying, so I'm rooting for him. Go Jake, go!

"We didn't think it would come to this."

Also on my DVR is Real Housewives of New Jersey. I haven't been able to get into any of the other casts. Don't know why. I guess once you're hanging with the Jersey pros, there's nowhere to go but down. I used to heart Teresa, but she doesn't seem to be coming off as a very nice or honest person this season. I'm kind of loving the Jacqueline/Ashley storyline right now. Makes my relationship with my mother look not so dysfunctional. 

"Either stop wearing that ridiculous hat everywhere, or I'm putting you up for adult adoption."

Eagle-eyed watchers like myself noticed that during the interview scenes, Jacqueline was sobbing and using what appeared to be a roll of toilet paper to wipe her tears of disappointment. Seriously, it wasn't a tissue. It was toilet paper. Like, the producers/cameramen/passers-by couldn't fish out anything besides a piece of toilet paper for this woman? I was trying to listen to what she was saying but all I could think about was the fact that there had to be about 50 people in the immediate area, standing around watching this woman sob, and the best they could do was toilet paper. 

"Get my friend some Kleenex!!!"

Today I was g-chatting with a friend and he wrote "I deleted the file on accident." It took everything I had to not correct him. Sometimes you have to be strong and remind yourself that this is your friend, not your son, and you can't correct his grammar without sounding like an old schoolteacher. FYI people, the expression is "by accident," not "on accident." 

Finally, this is a must-see. Ryan "Hotness" Gosling breaks up a random fight in the middle of an NYC street. 

Like, just casually walks into it, wearing his hipster-sailor tank top and short pants, drops his bag, and gets shit in order in a matter of seconds. Probably didn't have to break a sweat doing it. He's the coolest.

No run tonight, went to yoga instead. It was the first time using my awesome YogiToes towel. I don't know how I practiced without it. 

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