Thursday, August 18, 2011

So I Guess I'll Start Blogging Now

I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now because I have a lot of important things to complain about share with the world.  However, like so many other things in my life, I start and then quit until I finally pulled it together and got with the program. So here we are.

You could say my vegan journey began in 1995, when I saw "Clueless" starring my hero, the incomparable Alicia Silverstone. 

                                                           "Cheezy kale chips for everyone!"

LOVED that movie. Fast forward fifteen years, when I heard she wrote a book. My fond memories of argyle skirts, knee socks, and metallic silver baby backpacks inspired me to order a copy of The Kind Diet just so I could support my old pal Cher Horowitz and see what she had to say. Little did I know that this book would quite literally change my life. 

I cut out meat immediately, then tapered off the cheese and dairy. I immediately noticed that I had higher energy, needed less sleep to get through the day, had fewer headaches, and was in a good mood almost all of the time for no reason. Unfortunately, my ass did not shrink much, but I digress. I started reading more and more "standard vegan" books...The China Study, Eating Animals...and knew that I was making the right decision. 

If you're already a vegan, you don't need me to list all of the wonderful ways that veganism helps your body, the environment, your conscience. For me, the #1 reason for going vegan was to prevent the needless torture of beautiful, sentient creatures. That's why it makes me feel like shit when I cave and eat a piece of cheese or a chocolate vanilla twist soft serve with rainbow sprinkles. A perfectly lovely, innocent cow suffered because I am greedy. 

                                            Sorry...I'll try better next time. 

If you're not vegan, that's fine. I have found that when I tell people that I am vegan, defenses go up, like I'm going to try to convert you to my cult, like I'm Professor Finley and you're Kelly Taylor. That's not the case with me. Hey man, do whatever you want. We're all just trying to get by. But if you are so inclined, pick up a copy of TKD and see if it moves you. Alicia explains the facts in a completely non-judgmental way, which is something that's hard for me to do. I always somehow feel like I'm bossing or preaching to people when asked why I am vegan, and if I have learned one thing in my life, it is that no one likes a bossy preacher. 

                                                   "I choose me."

So I'm going to do the best I can with maintaining a vegan lifestyle. I don't buy animal products to consume. I only buy cruelty-free beauty and household products. I won't wear animals either (that meant giving up my Uggs, so you know I'm serious). But sometimes, if I am around a cheese platter or ice cream cones, I get really weak and partake. Does this make me a hypocrite and an asshole? Probably...and I feel guilty about it, trust me. But listen, I'm only human. All I can do is start over and try again. 

"I can't quit you."

So I guess that's partially what my blog is about...just trying to do the right thing when it comes to being vegan. We'll see how it goes. 

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