"Love my bitches."
This weekend two of my girlfriends made the long journey to visit me. It was so fun catching up and hanging out, and as always, reminiscing about our crazy college days.
"Anyone else remember the time we mooned the Sig Ep boys?"
Like so many other sorority girls, back in the day, we would go out partying all night, close the bar, and then pass out and sleep til noon. (Thanks Mom and Dad, the tuition was well worth it. I'm not being sarcastic.) Fast forward ten years to last night, when we all stuffed ourselves with Italian food alongside the senior citizen crowd at 5 pm, saw "The Help" (very good movie, with a cameo by a grown-up Chrissy Seaver...yes I know she's not a major draw nowadays nor is her character very important to the plot, but I burst out laughing when Gina grabbed my arm and says "My god, it's Chrissy from Growing Pains!"), and then came home and passed out by 11:30 having not had a drop of alcohol. Being 30 makes being 21 seem like a lifetime ago. Youth is truly wasted on the young.
By the way people, can we make a rule that when you sit behind me in the movies, you won't kick my chair, chomp on your popcorn with your mouth open, say "Hmm!" after anything unexpected/interesting/thought-provoking happens, or loudly whisper "predictions" to your friend as to what will happen next? Because the dude behind me did all of these things and I almost had to lay the smack down.
This guy would wait until something very cause-and-result would happen, stage whisper to his gf what would happen next, and then say "See? Told you." Like say someone got shot, he would whisper "Watch this - she's going to die! See? Told you." Sir, I realize that you are very smart and can figure such plot points out before the rest of the morons in the audience, but howasabout doing everyone a kindness and letting us enjoy the $12 movie in silence? This is why I don't go to the movies anymore. I'd rather wait for the DVD and then enjoy it with the only person who knows how to properly behave in public (that would be me).
Since I ate Sophia Petrillo's weight in pasta, I figured I'd better burn some of it off with a run. I did week 7, day 2 of C25K, which is 5 min warmup, 5 min cool down, and 25 minutes of running in between. I hit 2.74 miles, which is the exact distance I've been getting for the past 3 days of the program. My goal for next time is to hit 2.75. You gotta aim high, my friends.
"You don't understand - he was giving away major plot points, and I hadn't read the book first!"
This guy would wait until something very cause-and-result would happen, stage whisper to his gf what would happen next, and then say "See? Told you." Like say someone got shot, he would whisper "Watch this - she's going to die! See? Told you." Sir, I realize that you are very smart and can figure such plot points out before the rest of the morons in the audience, but howasabout doing everyone a kindness and letting us enjoy the $12 movie in silence? This is why I don't go to the movies anymore. I'd rather wait for the DVD and then enjoy it with the only person who knows how to properly behave in public (that would be me).
Since I ate Sophia Petrillo's weight in pasta, I figured I'd better burn some of it off with a run. I did week 7, day 2 of C25K, which is 5 min warmup, 5 min cool down, and 25 minutes of running in between. I hit 2.74 miles, which is the exact distance I've been getting for the past 3 days of the program. My goal for next time is to hit 2.75. You gotta aim high, my friends.
"With this sweet gear, we will totally PR next time. I can feel it."
I bet Blanche totally got her pants at Lululemon.
I'm thinking that once I can run the equivalent of a 5K without counting the warmup/cool down OR stopping for a walk break, I can call myself a "runner" without the "kinda/sorta" qualifier. That just seems right for some reason.
Back to work tomorrow. WHYYYYYYYYY?????
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