Stephanie Judith Tanner knows what I'm talking about.
The other week, I was at a concert waiting in line for a drink. A woman was at the front of the line buying food, a group of teenagers was behind her, and my cousin and I were behind the teenagers. A cashier opened a new register and yelled for our line to form two lines. The jerk behind me jumped to the front, behind the woman who was paying, thereby making the teenagers and my cousin and me lose our place in line.
"Oh no he didn't!"
When something like this happens, I get super pissed, but I just silently stew to myself. I never say anything because (a) I am scared of getting stabbed or punched and (b) I like to passive-aggressively complain instead of confront. But the awesome woman who was paying at the front of the line saw the whole thing, turned around, and asked the guy why he jumped the line. "I think there were a few people ahead of you," she said. I couldn't hear what the guy said in response, but she got in his face and said "Oh you knew exactly what you were doing!" Then she turned back to the register and continued the transaction.
Queen of Mean
This woman was freaking awesome and the very definition of a good samaritan in my book. She didn't have a dog in this fight - she was already the first person in line. She was just sticking up for the rest of us to this fool who did not comprehend how to function in society. I knew I could not let this woman get away without thanking her for saying everything that I wished I had the guts to say to nasty strangers. As she walked past, I tapped her on the shoulder and thanked her for saying something. She said "Oh, no problem. WHAT A DICK!" and rolled her eyes at him. She left before I could ask if she wanted to be friends. This has given me inspiration to become a member of the Polite Police and patrol the aisles. Watch out for me, line-jumping jerks, I'm coming for you.
In other news, no running tonight because I value my life and do not care to get struck by lightning in the monsoons that have been passing through the area. However, I got this towel in the mail today. Now when I go to hot yoga, I can actually do the poses properly instead of sliding all over my mat.
"Let's keep the sliding on the ice and off the mat, shall we?"
Enjoy your weekend!
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